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Newborn Photoshoot FAQ's

How long does a newborn photoshoot take?

In general a full newborn session takes around 2-3 hours, a mini session will take around an hour. My newborn sessions are completely baby led, which means how baby settles will determine how long the session takes. I never take more than one newborn session per day to give the most flexibility and to make sure the baby's safety and comfort is prioritised throughout.


When should I book?

From experience newborns are best photographed between 7-14 days old, so the perfect time to book would be before your baby arrives. You can book anytime from your 20 week scan where I book a floating appointment so no matter when your baby arrives I will have space for you. If you wait until baby is born I can't guarantee an appointment.


I've already had my baby, am I too late?

Not necessarily. Pre booked appointments will always have priority however please don't feel like you can't ask. I try to keep at least one session a week available for last minute bookings or surprise arrivals.


My baby is overdue, what happens to my appointment?

If you pre booked you are still guaranteed an appointment. Don't worry, babies come when they come and I understand there is no set timetable. Just let me know when baby arrives so I can get your appointment scheduled.


Are your sessions safe?

Yes they are. I have gone through multiple trainings both in person with the lovely Emma Jane from little loves photography and online with the amazing Kelly Brown and Ana Brandt. I focus on baby safety first and images after. At any point are there any signs or signals that the baby is in any distress I stop immediately. 


Do you edit the images?

Yes, however my editing style is basic retouching. I don't take anything away from the baby that is natural. The only marks that I edit off are things like scratches (babies fingernails are like razor blades!) and nappy marks. If baby is jaundiced I sometimes edit the redness but this is usually minimal.


I don't want my baby on the internet, do you share every session on social media?

At every session I ask you to fill out a simple form which lets me know if I am allowed to share your images. If you request no social media or internet use that is totally OK! Not all parents wish for their children to be on social media and I am happy to keep those images private.


How do we choose our images after the photoshoot and how long does it take?

After your photoshoot I spend an average of 6 hours per gallery editing and making your images perfect. Your gallery usually takes upto 2 weeks to be delivered to you via a private online gallery. In this online gallery you can choose your perfect package. Packages range from £95 to £355 depending on on what your looking for.


What can I expect from my newborn photoshoot?

Once booked in I send you an extensive prep guide with everything you need to know, what to wear, when to feed baby and what to bring with you. This takes the hassle out of packing and deciding what to bring in your bag.



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